"Funassyi"(ふなっしー) is one of popular "yuru-kyara(ゆるキャラ)"(loose characters) in Japan. (If you don't know yuru-kyara, see what is yuru-kyara?) He (or she?) promotes Funabashi-shi(Funabashi city) in Chiba Prefecture on TV programs, festivals, events and so on."Funassyi" is a combination of two words: "Funa" is short for Funabashi and "nassyi" represents the Japanese word for "pears," or "nashi(梨)." Funabashi is known for production of pears.
Funassyi appeared in TV commercial for "Juroku-cha(十六茶)", a Japanese tea product, with Yui Niigaki(a Japanese actress) and other yuru-kyara, such as "Adu-chan(あづちゃん)","Nishiko-kun(にしこくん)",and so on.
Here is the TV commercial of Juroku-cha.
Funassyi has three notable features.
1. Funassyi is an UNOFFICIAL character.
Though most of yuru-kyara in Japan are authorized and supported by their own prefectures(都道府県) or municipalities(市町村), Funassyi isn't authorized and supported by Funabashi-shi. Funassyi isn't authorized and supported by any other organizations too. Funassyi does activities at its own expense.
2. Funassyi CAN speak.
Though most of yuru-kyara in Japan can't let out their voice, Funassyi can do it. Funassyi always speaks in a high voice with adding "nassyi(なっしー)" at the end of its sentences.
3. Funassyi makes ACTIVE movements.
Though many of yuru-kyara in Japan are placid, Funassyi makes active(sometimes acrobatic) movements.
Here are Funassyi's videos.
Funassyi's website
Funassyi on twitter
If you wonder who is inside Funassyi, you should read the article below.