Nobuyoshi Ashibe(芦部 信喜) was a scholar of constitutional law in Japan. He was born in 1923, and died in 1999. He earned a doctorate in law from the University of Tokyo. He worked as a professor at the University of Tokyo, Gakushuin University, and the Open University of Japan.
Ashibe's representative textbook is "Kenpou(憲法: constitutional law)" published by Iwanami Shoten(岩波書店). Most of law students in Japan have it. After his death, it has been revised by Kazuyuki Takahashi(高橋 和之), one of pupils of Ashibe.
His other pupils are Koji Tonami(戸波 江二), Hidenori Tomatsu(戸松 秀典), Yasuji Nosaka(野坂 泰司), Yasuo Hasebe(長谷部 恭男), Kouichi Aoyagi(青柳 幸一), Tsutomu Hibino(日比野 勤), Hideki Shibutani(渋谷 秀樹), Noriho Urabe(浦部 法穂), and so on.